Showing system + 24.7Call Centre

Savings for Brokerages with professional systems built for Agents and Sellers
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MLS Organizations

Introducing to North American MLS Organizations, Association of Realtors and Boards, a showing and offer management platform using the most modern technologies and techniques, that checks All the boxes.These technologies allow your organization to move and adapt quickly to new features and infrastructures, giving the membership of your organization all the latest and greatest. The times are changing and we are ready!
Couple that with our 16+ years of experience processing showing requests for Listing Agents and their Sellers.It is evidence you are in good hands.


Cost effective solutions to keep the “cash register” of a  brokerage, open for business…24.7.
Confirming showing requests as quickly and efficiently as possible, is our reason for being.
Have the peace of mind to know
the listing inventory of the brokerage is set and ready to go
for  successful showings.
Keep your finger on the plus
of your inventory with
Real Time Showing Reports
and Statistics, available online
or on your mobile device.

Listing Agents

Leave the mundane to us!Do what you do best…work with people, build relationships, write up deals and in between, try to enjoy well deserved leisure time. Worry free showings and offer registrations….We’ll get the job done quickly and efficiently, as our track record and reputation have proven.You will appreciate the effortless transition to Clientime with a thorough message delivery and instant listing launch feature. With competent and capable Front Desk specialists, clients and other agents will be impressed with how easy and seamless it is to communicate. Organize all your listings, showings, messages and offers at the click of a button.

Buyers Agents

Lightening speed Confirmations! Online, mobile or by telephone, your request for a showing is always in good hands.
Providing Feedback and Registering Offers has never been made easier.


After all is said and done, ultimately, it is the home owners, we are all working for. Our aim is to provide a first class showing management services along with white glove consideration for our sellers. With Organised schedules, preset notice and showing durations, plus easy last minute time changes, access to feedback and a custom calendar to track activity. We engage our sellers in the process to minimise showing pressures and run a smooth showing schedule.

Admin/ Front Desk

Send messages, Track deals, Collaborate with our Front Desk or do it alone!
Our Front Desk receptionists are available to support the management of the office showings and offer registrations 24.7.  
Take the day off and know we have you covered

Trusted and Valued by our customers.

Our platform is strategically designed to offer the most value to our users. Each user has the ability to easily and efficiently access and navigate our system, via the web or their mobile app, designed to meet their needs.


How the Real Estate bundle
works for your brokerages workflow?

24.7  Showing concierge center
MLS Automated Showings  and Offer Registration
Showings queued and Auto-confirmed
Offer registration and custom offer notifications
Showing Instruction Listing agent support 24.7
Bluetooth Enabled Lockbox entry systems
Virtual Tours
Feedback captured and shared with Sellers and Listing Agents
Track Deals and Share Offer Documents with all Parties

Trusted and Valued by our customers.

Showings & Offers

Confirm more Showings and Register More Offers Close More Deals Schedule, confirm and track all showing activity from any device.
Engage Sellers with REAL TIME reporting and showing statistics during the sales cycle .
Showing Feedback and market trends provided to sellers in real time reporting. Keeping it real for Sellers.
Listing Agents manage Registered Offers with ease, ensuring all interested Agents are informed of offers, while maximizing the best price opportunity for sellers.

Sold to Closed Transaction Tracker

Manage deal progress in a single queue and prepare files for
Closing day, with this administrative tool, anyone can use.
Custom notifications to keep everyone on track.
REAL TIME Analytics on ALL your Brokerage Deals.

Lead Capture

The Clientime Front Desk

SMO efforts are captured 24.7 via phone, chat or email. Speed to Lead is accomplished and customers get stellar responses from Agents.

for Agents
1M+ Showings
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Train Agents in 15 minutes!

The most modern, user-friendly, intuitive showing system for Real Estate professionals!

Showings & Offers

Confirm more Showings and Register More Offers Close More Deals Schedule, confirm and track all showing activity from any device.
Engage Sellers with REAL TIME reporting and showing statistics during the sales cycle .
Showing Feedback and market trends provided to sellers in real time reporting. Keeping it real for Sellers.
Listing Agents manage Registered Offers with ease, ensuring all interested Agents are informed of offers, while maximizing the best price opportunity for sellers.

Sold to Closed Transaction Tracker

Manage deal progress in a single queue and prepare files for
Closing day, with this administrative tool, anyone can use.
Custom notifications to keep everyone on track.
REAL TIME Analytics on ALL your Brokerage Deals.

Lead Capture

The Clientime Front Desk

SMO efforts are captured 24.7 via phone, chat or email. Speed to Lead is accomplished and customers get stellar responses from Agents.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Manage Showing Instructions
Register Offers
Showing Reports
Invite Sellers
Add Documents
View Feedback
Complete Deal Information
Download the Mobile App
Call for Help

Mobile App

Mobile showings

Why Choose Clientime?


Clientime a pioneer of the virtual reception concept for any size Brokerage.
Real Estate Front Desk Solutions support Brokerages to ensure showings are confirmed!

Let's get started!

Trusted by Canadian's Top Brokerages


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